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Update on Changes

April 8, 2024


Green Wood Coalition is restructuring. At a special meeting of Green Wood Coalition members, later this month, an interim board of directors will be elected to oversee operations. The individuals nominated for election include former board members and longtime Green Wood community members.


At the same special meeting, we will outline a process for community engagement that we are optimistic will lead to a post-pandemic Green Wood that is richly rooted in the community. Further communication will be provided at that time.


Green Wood’s creative programming that builds inclusive community, honouring the worth of each person regardless of circumstances, continues as usual.


This week saw the launch of IMAGINATE (May 9, 7:00 PM at Victoria Hall, Cobourg) which is always a highlight of our connection with the wider community, and a fundraiser for our programs. Tickets are available through the Concert Hall Box Office.  

Get to Know Us

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Green Wood Coalition is building a radically inclusive community that honours the worth of each person, regardless of circumstances. The term ‘radically inclusive’ is both an aspiration and the challenge of each day.The magic of Green Wood has always been about uncovering our community’s hidden strengths and rallying people around the things we all care about. For our small staff, and an active, engaged community, that means embracing a model of caring that walks alongside people living with poverty, mental and physical illness, drug dependency, and disability.By focusing on what’s strong, not what’s wrong, Green Wood works toward positive change that leaves no one behind.

So, what does Green Wood Coalition really do?

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