Registered Canadian Charity 835935263RR0001
Update on Changes
June 12, 2024
We are pleased to share that, following a meeting of Green Wood Coalition members on April 28, a new, interim Board of Directors has been elected.
The members of the Board of Directors are Kerry Kightley (Chair), Celia McBride (Treasurer), Jeff Caine (Secretary), Caleb Carisse, Judy Herod, Jenny Whyte and Kristina Nairn. This board includes the experience and insight of former Directors, as well as the unique skills and perspective of individuals that care about the 'heart' of Green Wood.
Board members are guiding Green Wood through a transitional period of restructuring, focused on policy, governance structure and finance, after which a regular board will be elected in the fall. We appreciate their willingness to serve in this capacity.
The Board members welcome questions and input from those who care about Green Wood. Feel free to contact them at
As always, Green Wood’s creative programming that builds inclusive community, honouring the worth of each person regardless of circumstances, will continue to welcome individuals from across the community. Follow our social media for the most current details.
Get to Know Us
Green Wood Coalition is building a radically inclusive community that honours the worth of each person, regardless of circumstances. The term ‘radically inclusive’ is both an aspiration and the challenge of each day.
The magic of Green Wood has always been about uncovering our community’s hidden strengths and rallying people around the things we all care about. That means walking alongside people who are living with poverty, mental and physical illness, drug dependency, and disability.
By focusing on what’s strong and not what’s wrong, Green Wood works toward positive change that leaves no one behind.