We're gearing up for another Coldest Night of the Year adventure on Saturday, February 20th, 2016, here in Port Hope. CNOY is Canada's National Walk for Homelessness, a fun, family-friendly walking fundraiser that raises money for the hungry, homeless and hurting in 100+ communities across Canada.
An estimated 150,000 Canadians experience homelessness outside, and hundreds of thousands more face the constant challenge of living right on the edge - adults, youth, families, the elderly - we’re walking for them all on February 20th. People struggling with:
living at or below the poverty line
addictions or substance abuse
community and social support
race or gender discrimination
access to adequate housing
access to adequate food
access to employment
mental health issues
Each local charity that hosts the WALK in their community is known for their commitment to serving people in need. So that's who we're walking for. People in your community. Neighbours down your street. Kids you see every day. A family member you love. Maybe you? We'd love to exceed last year's count of 150 walkers. If you'd like to join us for Coldest Night of the Year, on February 20, the CNOY site will guide you through sign up (they've made this really easy).
AN OPEN LETTER 12/10/2015

Dear Neighbours, During the past few weeks, as the Syrian refugee crisis has grown, acquaintances who know that I’m an outreach worker among people struggling with homelessness and other facets of marginalization have been asking me this question: “Why are we Canadians spending our resources to feed and house refugees from the Middle East when we have homeless and disenfranchised people already living around us—shouldn’t they come first?” [Leaving aside an exploration of where this passion to care for our homeless was hiding prior to the current crisis, I focus on the either/or question.] “I have hope,” I tell them. I have hope that there will be a shift in the way we think about “the other”. I have hope that we’ll land on an understanding that makes us act as if we’re one people sharing one earth. That said, I witness the daily struggles of people trying to meet their basic need for food and shelter, having fallen through the cracks of a helping system that is inadequate and inconsistent. Combined with a less than 1% vacancy rate for rentals (most of which are not affordable to a person on social assistance or disability pension) and 5-year waiting lists for rent-geared-to-income apartments, a growing number of people are bunking it in their car, sleeping on a friend’s floor, and in some cases, living outdoors. As an outreach worker, I encounter the most vulnerable population—those who are refugees from early trauma, abuse and neglect, often suffering the effects of their coping strategies, often attempting to become invisible to avoid the stigma of a society that blames them for their current situation. These “domestic refugees” are of no less value than those fleeing violence and trauma in another context. As they should, urgency and timing are dictating prompt humanitarian action on behalf of Syrian refugees who are risking all, leaving every sense of home behind them to escape imminent danger. And there are reasons to believe they are escaping a situation that was aided in its development by North American and European actions--but our shared common humanity should guide our actions, not guilt or perceived responsibility. The task at hand is not a small one, and our definition of shared human experience will be tested in coming weeks. We need new, practical solutions for housing that is affordable and safe. We need political leadership—at all levels—along with grassroots support to values and prioritize the most vulnerable among us. That’s the test. My experience, working at the grassroots level, gives me great hope that we can do this—that we can extend our roof of welcome and our table of generosity to include both kinds of refugees. I’ve seen many examples of our community responding to human needs—both through short-term charitable acts and longer-term structural change. My hope is that as we act with a new awareness and sensitivity toward “the other”, our domestic refugees will be caught up in the wave of solutions being discovered as we welcome Syrian refugees. David Sheffield, Green Wood Coalition

Our art group is incredibly grateful for the opportunity to make art in the state of the art studios at Port Hope's Trinity College School. During the school's annual Week Without Walls service learning event, our crew are offered the chance to learn and experiment with new media and ideas over three days, guided by art teacher Tamara Reay and students. Thanks, TCS!

Community 101 Featured in Northumberland Today
NORTHUMBERLAND - What started as a Green Wood Coalition initiative of professional development for community members has grown into a "goal to help each other become better neighbours," says Coalition spokesperson David Sheffield. Read the article by Valerie MacDonald here.
WE NEED YOU 12/9/2015

Earlier this fall, Green Wood Coalition launched A Time To Grow, our 2015 fundraising campaign. After a great start, a few of our generous supporters — our “Growing Donors” want to challenge you to match their donation. We need your support to continue Green Wood Coalition’s ongoing street-level work with marginalized people in our community. As you may know, we have just moved into a great new space at 18 Ontario Street, in downtown Port Hope. This space will give our programs and community room to grow in many ways. Your donation will make those programs happen. The Growing Donors have contributed $6,500 this fall and would like to issue a challenge to others to donate so that together, we can collectively match or surpass this donation. Here is a quote from one of the Growing Donors:
"I'm supporting Green Wood Coalition because it's a unique grass roots organization that is addressing the needs of a segment of the population that is often ignored. I respect that it's constantly developing creative solutions, and I like that its work appears to be conducted with minimal bureaucracy, utilizing many volunteers, and with a sensitivity to the challenges faced by those with mental health issues, disabilities and problems of poverty. Finally but very important - it is local!"
Together, we can help change lives, locally. Become part of the story today. To give, please visit our website, www.greenwoodcoalition.com or a cheque may be sent to Green Wood Coalition P.O. Box 61 Port Hope, ON L1A 2Z2