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Green Wood Coalition
AGM Announced, Sept 25 @ 7pm
Location: Community Health Centres of Northumberland

Riding a sea of change, Green Wood Coalition will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 25th, calling on members and its community of supporters to help chart its future.

This past spring, Green Wood Coalition began a process of organizational restructuring, overseen by an interim Board of Directors that was instated at a Special Members’ Meeting April 28. Its mandate has been a top-to-bottom review of Green Wood’s finances, governance and policies, including a community engagement process that surveyed people about Green Wood’s impact. The interim board is now ready to report back at the Annual General Meeting about what it learned and what the work ahead is.

Green Wood’s founding member and former executive director, David Sheffield, is moving on from the organization, stepping away as of September 6, 2024. The interim Board of Directors, staff and community are extremely appreciative of all that David has done to develop and grow Green Wood Coalition over the many years he dedicated himself to the organization.

An invitation to continue the coalition:

You are invited to participate in the work ahead to continue ensure the coalition can continue by becoming Board Members or committee members who will take an operational role to lead and oversee fundraising, communications, finance, volunteers and staffing. 

Examples of ‘Work Ahead’ Needs:

  • Policy and Procedures Review: Expertise in board procedures and policy review.

  • Financial Leadership: A strong financial background is needed to take on the Treasurer role and support our financial strategy.

  • Fundraising Leadership: Immediate leadership for fundraising campaigns and community engagement.

  • Communications, Partnerships & Donor Relations: We need a strategy to share the coalition’s new vision and develop partnerships for housing models.

  • Legal Leadership: Especially in property and employment law.

  • Operations Leadership: To ensure the continuation of community programming, wrap-around support, and the vision for the housing component.


Rebuilding the coalition is a significant undertaking and will require time and commitment. 

If you are interested in learning more about our current state, or nominating yourself to be a board member, please email with your name and contact information.

To receive an application to become a Green Wood voting member, email There is no fee.

The AGM will be held on Wednesday, September 25th at 7:00pm, at the Community Health Centres of Northumberland.

Get to Know Us


Green Wood Coalition is building a radically inclusive community that honours the worth of each person, regardless of circumstances. The term ‘radically inclusive’ is both an aspiration and the challenge of each day.


The magic of Green Wood has always been about uncovering our community’s hidden strengths and rallying people around the things we all care about. That means walking alongside people who are living with poverty, mental and physical illness, drug dependency, and disability.


By focusing on what’s strong and not what’s wrong, Green Wood works toward positive change that leaves no one behind.

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