Huge thanks to every person who walked, volunteered, donated or sponsored to make Coldest Night of the Year 2020 such a success for Northumberland. We are thrilled that together we have met our financial goal, but even more than the money, your caring act of solidarity--with our neighbours who are struggling with so many things—shows us that you see their humanity and understand that we are all in this together. There is no ‘us and them’.
CNOY proceeds support Green Wood’s street outreach where our approach is to build and maintain relationships of trust with individuals who may be struggling with substance dependence, homelessness or mental health concerns. These are folks who are often not connecting consistently with office-based, helping agencies.
Local business sponsors were a huge part of this year's Coldest Night of the Year success. We sincerely appreciate your generous support for people who are struggling in Northumberland.
Event Sponsor: ACME Electric, Port Hope; Distance Sponsors: Lauria Auto Group, Port Hope; CIBC Northumberland; Rest Stop Sponsors: Basil's Deli, Port Hope; Happenstance Coffee Pub, Port Hope; Food sponsors: Dreamer's Cafe, Port Hope; Queenies Bake Shop, Port Hope; Food Basics, Port Hope; Davis' Independent, Port Hope; Metro, Cobourg; Olympus Burger, Port Hope; Arthur's Pub, Cobourg; Best Western Plus, Cobourg; Ganarascals, Port Hope; Millstone Bread, Cobourg; Railside Restaurant, Port Hope; The Mill Restaurant & Pub, Cobourg; Long & McQuade, Cobourg; Giant Tiger, Port Hope; Signage sponsor: L.A. Signs 'n Design Media Sponsors: Northumberland 89.7; UCB Canada, Cobourg; MBC My Broadcasting Corporation, Cobourg;

Photo courtesy of Snapd Northumberland West
We are indebted to these two brilliant Co-Directors of Coldest Night in Port Hope! Judy Hone and Phil Redford gave countless hours and much creativity to building the success that we saw on the night of the walk.

Tickets are now on sale for IMAGINATE 2020.
Evening of Possibility Host, Christian Harvey will welcome Alysha Brilla, Brad Long, Corin Raymond, Kerri Ough, Leisse Wilcox and Lishai Peel to the IMAGINATE stage at Victoria Hall, on Thursday, April 16. The evening begins with a dessert reception at 6 PM, program at 7 PM. [Click on name for bio.]

The CommUNITY Project Film
From the keynote speech by Senator Kim Pate to live performances, films and interactive workshops, IMAGINATE'S One-Day Conference (9 AM-4 PM) will move, challenge and inspire participants to action in their community and workplace. Separate ticket available for keynote speech.
NEXT UP AT COMMUNITY 101 2/13/2020
