Full Circle Days is a three-day, free, series of activities aimed at fostering a better understanding of Canada’s shared history with its indigenous peoples, June 14 through 16. Hosted by Green Wood Coalition, this event welcomes indigenous voices to be heard through educational and cultural activities, anchored around Port Hope’s Memorial Park. ITINERARY: DAY 1: JUNE 14TH Event: Community Opening Ceremony, Vendors Open Location: Memorial Park, Port Hope Time: 6 pm Event: Rick Beaver Artist Talk Location: Engine Gallery, Walton St., Port Hope Time: 7:30 pm DAY 2: JUNE 15TH Event: Indigenous Culture Workshop, Vendors Open Location: Memorial Park, Port Hope Time: 2pm Event: First Nations History Workshop with Dave Mowat Location: Port Hope Public Library, Port Hope Time: 6pm Event: Author Readings with Kathryn Edgecombe and Armand Garnet Ruffo Location: Port Hope Public Library, Port Hope Time: 7pm DAY 3: JUNE 16TH Indigenous Awareness Workshops Vendors Open Location: Memorial Park, Port Hope Time: 1 pm Kairos Blanket Exercise with First Peoples House of Learning Location: Memorial Park, Port Hope Time: 2pm (Free registration for Blanket Exercise at greenwoodcoalition@gmail.com) Full Circle Days is funded by Ontario 150 and Green Wood Coalition


If you missed our Annual General Meeting, with that amazing presentation by Christian Harvey, you can still see our
2015 Annual Report here: