All are welcome to join us for Green Wood Coalition's Annual General Meeting Saturday, May 28 at 10:00 AM 18 Ontario St,, Port Hope, ON We'll be celebrating the past year's accomplishments, taking care of some business, nominating some board members, and looking to the future of the Green Wood Community. As well, we are pleased to be hosting a talk by Mark Vander Vennen, Executive Director of Shalem Mental Health Network. He has been a marriage and family therapist and has worked in child welfare (Northumberland Children’s Aid Society) and in children’s mental health (Kinark Child and Family Services).
Mark is Chair of Wrap Canada, and a trainer for the Wraparound process, as well as for Restorative Justice Facilitators, and is the co-author of Hope in Troubled Times: A New Vision for Confronting Global Crises, Foreword by Desmond Tutu.
This garlic, planted last fall in our community garden, is up and thriving. A hardworking team (including some students from Trinity College School) recently spent a day waking up the garden after its winter dormancy. The hope of spring and newly planted seeds are in the air as we look forward to a great garden season at our site on Peter St., in Port Hope (generously shared with us by Dr. Tiffany Wolters of Ganaraska Animal Clinic).
Our resident occupational therapist, Ruth, gave a lesson on the ergonomic use of a shovel..
If you'd like to learn more about participating in our garden program this summer, send an email to, or join us at the garden on Monday, May 16 at 5:00 pm.
Our annual Summer Solstice Garden Blessing will be celebrated on Monday, June 20 at 7 pm at the community garden.